Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Deeper into Faith, Belief...

I am so excited for my friend and sister Chrissy! I remember when I first met her, shy and wanting to be alone. She was always beautiful, and I was always sure of the great call on her life. Afraid of kids; now she is a wonderful mother. Somewhat shy and quiet; now she is a leader in life, as she encourages and motivates others. Watching her grow deeper into faith and belief has been an encouragement! Now, she launches this creative ministry of beautiful and simple jewelry; and I am blessed! Blessed because her jewelry is simple and beautiful, just like her. Stepping out isn't easy...even if it is something you want! I want to be an RN and it has been hard, but taking that first step was taking a step deeper into faith and belief. Faith because I have to believe that God and His people will meet me, help me, hold out a hand and speak words that bring life. Belief because I have to believe that the gifts and callings that God has put in my life are to be used, raised up, exerted, applied, utilized, and displayed for His glory. My gifts and callings can change others more than I can know...but, one thing is certain: if I just think about what it can do, and never do it, I won't ever know. So, yay! YAY to a dream realized and a dream at the starting line! I pray for each of us. That we would dare to jump in a little deeper into faith and belief and do those things that have been sitting in our mind to do. Just because it's not something super spiritual doesn't mean the hand of God doesn't rest heavy on it! Your dream is an avenue into your greatness! It won't fix all our problems, but stepping deeper into faith and belief will add joy to our souls, and make us happier people! So here ya have it - nothing super profound, just a reminder note. A reminder note that says: Wake up my Child and go for it! Nothing is too hard for me! What you want to do, do it. Comment your way to me and I will make your path straight. Straight....and happy! :) Also, as a side note: Tell someone your dream and let them join in speaking life and encouragement into it! We need each other! But...we need each other happy! :)
...check her jewelry out at the link on "my sites" on this page! ----->


  1. Thanks Sundy. There is a vulnerability that comes with stepping out...Can I do it? Will I fail? Will they like my creations?? Am I a fool for doing this???
    But its worth finding out, stepping out...HE is ALWAYS faithful! HE is a dream dropper. And this is certainly a dream I never would have pictured for myself...but its here, its formed, and He is blessing it. I am at once in awe of Him....and thankful for such awesome friends and family to support me.

    I am cheering for you and your dream as well! You will do great, no FANTASTIC friday!!
    Love you!
    ps...(I am happy! :)

  2. So good. So true! SO HAPPY for you Chrissy!

  3. What an awesome revelation, Sundy!! Though you claim it's not profound, it definitely speaks volumes to what I've been contemplating lately. Oftentimes we (well, I) ponder so much about something that I start talking myself out of why I committed doing it in the first place, why I desired to do it. I take all the confirmation God's given me, the abilities He's blessed me with, and doubt! What is that? Definitely not something I want a part of...thanks for this reminder, friend. I needed it!

    Yayay for Chrissy!! :) :)
