Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Awaits Your Reaching

Valentines day is coming and I am so aware that it's not always a cheery day for everyone. Life is hard, relationships struggle, and if you are waiting for your love, it can be a long and weary journey. Hopeful one day, a big ball of doubt the next. When I saw this artwork I was reminded of our Father's love for us, you, me, the lonely, the not lonely. All of us. Because the truth is; a lover cannot satisfy your deepest needs and longings. A lover cannot reach down in the depths of who you are and meet the most driest of needs. A lover cannot find the hidden parts of your true self and make them glow with self confidence. A lover cannot know the longings so passionate in your heart, that he can make them be experienced just at the perfect time in history. A lover cannot know the undone parts of your painful history and introduce it to healing many years later. A lover cannot know the dreams and desires you have when you don't know them yet. A lover cannot find a friend that only he knows can bring joy and perseverance through the difficult times in life. A lover cannot know the plans that will bring you good and speak them into existence years before you taste the reality of them. A lover cannot hear your unspoken questions and answer them though ways you never imagined possible. A lover cannot cover a multitude of sins with perfect kindness. A lover cannot wash you white as snow, and then perfectly create a circumstance that causes that washed away sin help redeem others. A lover cannot create a divine appointment that will change your destiny. A lover cannot answer your prayer for a lost loved one or a dying friend. A lover cannot send away the evil that speaks doubts and lies to your soul. And although a lover makes us feel good and is our soul mate, a lover cannot love you with a perfect, I created you, love. He (or she) wasn't created to do that. So Happy Valentines Day, friend, because this day, lonely or not, you have found a lover that says,"Pick a Heart From my Tree of Life." It never changes, never dies, and always has the heart you need to pick. Everyday, every second, our perfect loving Father has the love note you need. So, married or not, your lover AWAITS YOUR REACHING and can't wait for you to know the surprises His HEARTS have for you.


  1. Oh, wow, Sundy...thank you! This has really blessed me, esp. as I wait... God's been revealing much to me lately, mostly through conversations and words from friends -- I want more! :) It's overwhelming how He fulfills each one of those things which our lovers cannot...our God is AMAZING! Love that piece of artwork and what God has spoken through you because of it. Thanks, lady. :)

  2. Wow, is right!! Thanks for sharing this. Absolutely- perfectly- written!

  3. Amazingly said, Sundy and SO encouraging. I've been in that realization recently myself. Until Jesus is the lover of my soul nothing else will ever satisfy. Thank you for writing!

    Have you ever thought of writing a book? You're a very inspirational writer. . .think about it ;)

  4. just don't quit. your blogs are so real and raw and encouraging! Thank you. love you!

  5. btw, where did you find this picture. I want to see a close up :)
