Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spin the plates you want to spin...

I was talking with a dear friend yesterday, about a dream she had, and we began to talk about what it means to live life in the defensive and what that looks like in a person with purpose. I couldn't get that word out of my head and I kept wanting to connect it with that word "intentions." Why? Well, it took awhile, because my brain works backwards, but I began to see the message that was there for my friend and I. It's hard to examine a word without exploring its meaning and the meaning of it's opposite, so I did that. When we speak of living in the defensive, what are we saying? Defensive means: Excessively concerned with the guarding against the real or imagined threat of criticism, injury of one's ego, or exposure of ones shortcomings. Wow! Think of the energy it takes to keep this up on a daily basis, much less just every now and then? What a way for me to spin my wheels and never really get anywhere. What a way to never take back what the devil has stolen from myself and my loved ones. What a way to completely miss God's will for my life in the day to day. How selfish to live life in the defensive and make life all about me and guarding my pride. When our energy is wasted on just dodging the bullets, running from life's struggles, and just protecting myself it can't be focused on advancing and doing God's will, and most of all, making a difference. So, if living in the defensive shouldn't be my focus, what should be? I think this is where the word "intentions" come in. When we are no longer living in the defensive, we are living with intention. We are not just spinning random plates, we are choosing the plates we spin, and doing it with joy and purpose. We are not just running from hard times, we are embracing life and choosing to serve God and others in the middle of pain. We are not just reacting, but we are acting first, choosing to be in charge of the direction life takes us. Intention means: meaning, significance, or purpose. So YES! I want to live with meaning, significance, and purpose...daily! I don't want to live life guarding myself, being fearful, and in pride. Offensive means: to position myself, making an aggressive attack. That's how I want to live life. Being in a place where I POSITION MYSELF, the enemy nor sin tells me where to go and how to spend my time. So there ya have it! In writing this I figured out how defensive and intentions went together. Sorry you had to endure the thought-trail! :) Thanks for reading how my brain works backwards. I hope I can get this truth in my soul (mind, will, emotions) and walk it out. I pray you and I can live with purpose, significance, and meaning. Spin the plates God wants you to spin, the plates you want to spin; not the plates that distraction throws at you. It's a waste of time!


  1. WOW!!!!!!! This is incredible and it totally speaks to where I'm at. Thank you! Love you.

  2. Awesome Sundy. That was SO good! Thank you for sharing your thought...I enjoyed the path traveled to understand :)

  3. I am spinning a plate I thought I wanted to spin....turns out I don't. but I must, at least for a while longer.

  4. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out that the plate we are spinning is actually a destraction and taking away energy and time from what He wants us to do... :)...thats ok! Finish strong sis!!

  5. Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing this!
