Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Let me just see things from where You're sittin."

My husband was telling me about a bad day he had. It wasn't like anything really bad happened... well at least not that day, but it was one of those days that your mind decides to keep you sad. Have you ever had a day where your mind decides to keep you sad? I have. He was telling me of the battle within to "stay positive, look at the bright side, believe the best, focus on the future, trust God," you know...all those things that we tell ourselves and others tell us. Well, he mentioned one thing he said to God, in the struggle, that really stuck out to me. In all his thoughts, he told God, "Let me just see things from where you're sittin." I just couldn't get that out of my mind. I mean, I've heard things like that many times before, but because it was just a simple request, in real, down to earth terms, it hit me in a way that the song, "Open the eyes of my heart Lord", never did. Essentially, it is saying the same thing, but different..yea, I know, I'm rambling! "Let me just see things from where you're sittin." He left, I took a deep breath, prayed for him, us, and then said it several more times... "Let me just see things from where your sittin, let me just see things from where your sittin." It was therapeutic to my mind, my soul, and my thoughts (the kind that want to keep me sad). Did it change my life, make me more spiritual, answer all my questions and make me happy...NO. But, it did, for a second, help me to see things from where He's sittin.


  1. Hi Sundy -- I snooped and came across your blog. :) It's lovely. Thank you for this post. I've been crying out to God lately, for him to give me his eyes and heart...and this post of yours is so well-timed, I know it's a God thing. Blessings. :)

  2. Wow! This is great! I love it and I love you guys. I'm also praying! One day, we WILL see things from where He's sitting. :)

  3. good stuff sundy. i'm going to remember that. real simple truth.
