Friday, May 21, 2010

His Mercies Don't Remember

His mercies are new every morning! They don't carry over from the day before. They don't run out when the limit has been reached. They don't worry about coming too soon; you know, too close from the last obvious mercy delivery. They don't wait for just the right time, or show up late apologizing. They don't skip a day, skip a season, or skip a person based on the circumstances involved. His mercies don't think ahead of time and schedule it's debut. They don't hold back and gain strength for the "important things." They don't think, "You know, if I give today, I may have to hold back tomorrow." And, although I may feel like the Sundy category is all used up in the mercy department...well, they don't remember. His mercies don't remember the day before. His mercies will never remember the days before. So, go ahead, keep your counts of grace. Let your brain number His good deeds towards you. Let your heart try to measure His great love that frees you. Allow your soul to remember His promises revealed. But, as for His mercies; they don't remember. They don't remember because they are NEW every morning. When something is new it is at that moment in it's most powerful form. It's able to do and be all it was created to do and be. It's new. Unused. Untouched. Full strength. New strength. When something is new it's like it never was. It's new! So, reason away His mercy all you want. It won't work, it can't work. They don't remember, they are new every morning. Hey, I didn't say it, He did!

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