She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25 What does this mean really? She can laugh at the days to come? ...because from where I'm looking, there is nothing to laugh about. What I see happening all around me gives no reason to smile, much less laugh. There is such heartache, loss, and reasons for depression all around us. If you don't see it, you are turning a blind eye - choosing a coping strategy that I must admit is tempting to hold onto with a passion. Just today, a 69 year old man died in the room I was standing in. That is not unusual, being what I do for a living, but death isn't what was sad about it. It was his life that was sad. Lonely, alone, scared, fighting the inevitable while lonely and alone. I don't understand how someone can live their life for 69 years with people all around, and on this day, THE DAY, there's not one family member or friend to be at his side. It's natural that loved ones don't want to experience death, death so alive and living in a loved one right before their eyes. I can understand that. What I feel pressed to try and understand is, his life. What about his life leaves a place of empty coldness at his bedside? What about his life leaves a sadness and tears in the eyes of only strangers? What about his life, instead of happy memories spoken through tears of loss, leaves silence and a sound so quiet that it screams? What about his life makes a mark that very few miss? When I think about my life, it's not so much about me and my memories as it is the mark we are called to leave on others. The mark we are called to leave on our husband, wife, children, brother, sister, mother, father, friend, co-worker, store clerk, bank teller, garbage man, police officer, teacher, boss, enemy, opposites, people we don't like to be around, people who have wounded us, people we have nothing in common with, the adulterers, the liars, the robber, the two faced girl, the proud, the mocker, the devil worshiper, the buddhist, the slanderer, the child molester, the hungry, the poor that abuse the system, the high rollers, the rich, the sluts, the famous, the ugly, the deformed, the loud, the quiet, the ones who stink, the everyone, the everyone that walks into our days to come. Think about it. It's harder to leave a mark of kindness than it is not to. It's easier to go about your day, minding your own business, than it is to be intentional in touching and changing a life in your world. I don't think we are called to mind our own business and stay out of peoples lives..sorry, we're just not. That's an excuse for the fearful or for the selfish. Can you laugh at the days ahead? Because really, our days ahead are being determined now, today.
His lonely bedside wasn't determined the day he died. The room he died in was destined to be empty long before that day. When he stayed out of peoples business, when he chose to look away from the pain he saw in another, when he chose the easy path decorated with ribbons of comfort and lights of complacency - he chose his days ahead. He chose his bedside.
Can you laugh at the days ahead? Are you, am I, right now living a life that is sure to bring laughter? My opinion is that she could laugh at the days ahead because her life at that moment was filled to overflowing with the readiness that is needed for future laughter. Are we preparing ourselves to laugh? Are we living our life with marked intentions that are covered in love, kindness, compassion, and readiness? She knew she could laugh at the days to come because even though the world was falling down around her, she was prepared for love, ready for giving, covered in truth, confident in grace, and...clothed in strength and dignity. Destruction, famine, death, fear, loss, sickness - in the middle of it all she could tilt that head back and laugh from
a joy within. You will laugh at destruction and famine and need not fear the
beast of the earth. Job 5:21 She knew that when destruction came - she could introduce the lover of the broken, when famine came - she could give the bread of life, when death came - she had joy in the morning, when fear came - she had the sword of the spirit, when loss came - she had a friend that sticks closer than a brother, when sickness came - she had at least a mustard seed faith. She could laugh at the days to come. What brought fear and worry to those around her, she could laugh at! He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with
shouts of joy. Job 8:20 She could laugh. She was confident in her life at that moment that she could actually laugh at the days to come. Are you confident in your life before the Lord at this moment that you can laugh at the days to come. In some ways I am, but in many ways I am not. So friend, today I stand with you and agree with you, that we are going to live our life to the fullest now, so that we can laugh right now at the days to come. Confident laughter with a heart of assurance! That's what I want for you and for me.... Confident laughter that changes the lives of those around us! It's my inner experience having an outer expression! An outer expression that is changing the paths of eternal human souls, and meeting us, in the end, at our bedside.